Section 5 Londontowne Property Owners Association


The marine construction contractor, Shoreline Design, constructed one stone sill 11’ x 65’; one shore-attached stone sill 6’ x 25’, placed 380 cubic yards of sand, and has purchased, delivered and installed plantings to create 2,400 square feet of low marsh and 2,200 square feet of high marsh; has eradicated 2,800 square feet of Phragmites. The maximum channelward encroachment of shoreline improvements was 35 feet from existing mean high water line. The measurements were first established by observing continual movement of sand by wave and wind action, observing slow erosion of upland areas and observing significant loss of low marsh vegetation to Phragmites. With the community’s desire to restore the historical shoreline and protect the cove from continual land erosion and invasive vegetation, Shoreline Design, LLC was contacted to design a practical and professional solution in the measurements provided above. The COE permitted Phragmites to be removed. Subsequently, Anne Arundel County permitted the removal of three pear trees located in the middle of the transition between low and high marsh plantings. They will be replaced with three willow oak trees.

Technical Details

Include quantitative, site specific data like sill heights and project area, as well as other descriptive information. A good example is: "This project included the construction of 300 linear feet of a stone sill structure at the north end of the property, stone revetment along 426 linear feet of bulkhead on the western part of the property, restoration of 0.25 acres of tidal marsh, and the regrading of upland area for vegetation growth."


This grant program was a partnership between the Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Maryland Department of the Environment, and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Other partnerships include Londontowne Property Owners Association, Shoreline Design and Boy Scout Troop 815.


  • Abbi Huntzinger
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
